Marketing Management & Marketing Plan


(a) Remote Access to Library Services

Presently, libraries entertain reference and referral services received through phones, mails, and those who come personally. With the availability of Internet, libraries can use their homepages to advertise their services, such as, calendar of events, new IT services, new collection of topical subject, local heritage, sales of library publications in their homepages. Public can also access library's OPAC from homes and offices. Libraries can introduce Online Reference Inquiry Form (ORIF) in their homepage. Library users will be able to key in reference inquires through the ORIF or to search libraries' databases from any locations at any time. Hence, libraries are able to provide 24-hour services. In future, such service will include online self-registration of membership, request for reservation and extension of loans, or request for literature search from reference sources. For referral services, libraries should be able to source out reference inquiries not available in the collection from other libraries in the countries or from oversea, thus making it possible that global information be accessible to the general public. Online reference inquiries will ensure better and faster means of delivery of information products and services.

(b) Online Community Information Services

Libraries can develop online community information services and have it in the net. Local youth members of the Rakan Muda (Youth Friendship Group) can be trained in the use of IT, compilation and processing of local information for the net. Public library can organized special youth computer camp to collect local information and develop community information center. This can be done by working closely with local youth associations. The Online Community Information Services can include the following information: community leaders, local community events, local sport events, directories of public utilities and youth associations, local entertainment centers, places of interest to tourists, local historical and cultural heritages, publications of interest to local communities and youth, local news and community forum. Local businesses can be invited to advertise their products and services. Advertisement in homepages can generate income for libraries.

(c) One-stop Information Center for IT Products and Services

Libraries can be developed as a one-stop community information center for IT services. By allowing library users to access variety of online databases available through the Internet, users do not have to go to different places to get information. They can navigate the WWW by themselves or with the assistance of library staff. By integrating IT products and services with other print product will make learning more interesting and enjoyable. Libraries therefore, are developing as an info media and edutainment center. Through effective inter-library loan and document delivery services, users will be able to obtain information or documents of their interest from other libraries. Thus, the nation's library resources can be made available to any library, thereby realizing the system of national availability of information for the benefit of the society.

(d) Packaging of Information

For personalized services, library staff should be able to response to request for literature search on specific information. Such literature search will include: compilation or bibliographies on selected topics of interest to specific user needs; compilation of addresses for contact; compilation of data, statistic and fact related business; compilation of profile on business products, country profile for potential market; developing metadata on relevant websites, creating hyperlink of relevant websites to cater for special user needs, etc. The library staff should be able to search for such information from different sources either from available reference sources or from the Internet, and repackage that specific information in according to specific individual request, thus providing value-added services. Packaging of information tailored toward specific information needs is a mean of providing personalized services to users. Such services can be charged accordingly. For continuous improvement of such services, libraries should devise a feedback mechanism to determine the levels of satisfaction of services rendered.

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